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CD Select 240 CD ROM JukeBox with CDAS O/S

Advanced Mechatronic Services

The Solid Systems CD Select 240 JukeBox(TM) is now shipping with four 4Xreaders. These readers transfer at the rate of 600 KB/sec., which isacceptable for full motion video. The Solid Systems CD Select 240 CD ROMJukeBox, with 4-4X readers has an MSRP of $15,850. All this for lessthan eleven cents per Mb ($15,850/156GB of CD storage).The Solid Systems CD Select 240 JukeBox software provides CDROM data toDOS Windows, DEC, VMS, Mac, and Unix clients, Novell LANs and WANs in aseamless and transparent manner. Our software provides direct Unixattach, NLM attach, Unix to Novell bridge, and others to your network.These JukeBox software packages start at $5995. The CD Select 240 willserve to the client any standard ISO 9660 formatted CDs, including KodakCD Photo, commercially prepared or written in house, as well as Rockridgeextensions. The Solid Systems CD Select 240 has WWW and WAIScapabilities.The Solid Systems CD Select 6 CD ROM "Smart" Tower may be the wise choicefor you. This tower offers six 4X CD readers with onboard 1 Mb caching.This tower looks like a single SCSI target to your server. This deviceincludes CDAS Lite(TM) which will allow our full CD ROM indexing,providing a complete directory structure of all your CDs. ALM cache,included in CDAS and CDAS Lite keeps your most frequently used files warmat all times, with or without the CD loaded in the tower.ALM Cache"We take the JukeBox out of the JukeBox"SSI has answered the question of many users can be using the JukeBox atone time. We have a powerful caching algorithm, ALM, which will load arequested file into cache. The user then uses the information over thenetwork at network speed. Meanwhile, the JukeBox has unloaded the CD andopened that reader to the network. Subsequent users can use that filefrom cache or use the same CD again for a different file. In a tower,the problem remains of multiple users on the same CD at one time. Eventhough the JukeBox has four readers, in our lab we have had over 30simultaneous users using CD information at one time, showing the power ofcache.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Kubik jukebox
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

Advanced Mechatronic Services
5610 Guhn Rd Suite 100
Houston, TX 77040
Phone: (713) 460-5544
        (800) 324-0500
Fax: (713) 460-5651